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Meet with Paul O'Kane MSP


Local MSP Paul O’Kane welcomed the Ferguslie Park Community Choir and the Rays of Hope Community Choir to the Scottish Parliament.

The two choirs were invited perform in front of his O’Kane’s fellow MSPs on the steps of the Garden Lobby in Holyrood.

The West Scotland MSP had initially engaged with both Renfrewshire based groups when he published motions relating to their activities.

The Ferguslie Park Community Choir was founded in 2018 with the aim of promoting good mental health and combating loneliness & isolation.

One of the choir’s most impressive performances took place at the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle on May 7th 2023, where they joined the 300 strong Coronation Choir to sing for His Majesty King Charles.

The Rays of Hope Community choir is one of the many activities offered by the Elderslie based Cancer Support Group, Rays of Hope. The choir is inclusive, and open to anyone with a passion for singing.

Several members of both choirs described singing at the Scottish Parliament as ‘an honour’, ‘a once in a lifetime experience’.

Commenting MSP for West Scotland Region Paul O’Kane said:

“I was delighted for both choirs to finally get their opportunity to perform in Parliament and wow my colleagues with their talent.

“Both choirs, in their own unique way, promote the importance of having a source of support and friendship in your own local community and they can’t be thanked enough for doing that.

“They’ve both done Renfrewshire proud and I hope this is just the first of many more performances they’ll do in the Scottish Parliament”.

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