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Scottish Labour MSP Paul O’Kane has published a motion that pays tribute to Holocaust survivor Henry Wuga.

Wuga, who came to Glasgow at aged 15 to escape Nazi rule in Germany, turned 99 years old on 23rd February 2023.

O’Kane, who has engaged Wuga many times over the years, wanted to put a motion out that would pay tribute to Wuga’s “inspiring story”.

Commenting Paul O’Kane said:

“Henry Wuga is someone who has dedicated his life to ensuring the Holocaust is something that generations of young people understand and crucially will never forget”

“His life is an inspiring story, a life that was forever changed by persecution, but has been dedicated ever since to education and awareness against such persecution”

“I wish him the very best and I hope he plans to continue his important work for many years to come”

Motion Number: S6M-08030
Lodged By: Paul O’Kane
Date Lodged: 24/02/2023

Title: Wishing Henry Wuga Best Wishes on His 99th Birthday

Motion Text:

That the Parliament recognises that Holocaust survivor and educator, Henry Wuga, has turned 99 years old; understands that Henry was born in Nuremberg in 1924, but that, due the rise of antisemitism under Nazi rule, he was forced to flee his homeland and come to Scotland on the Kindertransport in 1939, when he was only 15 years old; further understands that, when Mr Wuga arrived in Glasgow, he found it welcoming and made it, in his own words, “home”; celebrates the fact that Henry went on to have a very successful catering business, and was awarded an MBE in 1999 for his important work with limbless ex-servicemen; further celebrates the fact that Henry was determined to build Holocaust education and awareness in Scotland and across the UK, alongside his late wife, Ingrid Wuga BEM; considers that Henry and Ingrid have made an immense contribution to ensuring that generations of children and young people understand what the Holocaust was and, crucially, never forget that it happened, and wishes Henry a very happy birthday and the strength to continue his selfless work for many more years to come.

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